This month’s blog post took me some time to prepare. I’ve been sitting on this for about a year and a half now (before I even knew I would have an actual blog), and I believe that God is calling me to release this now in light of all that is happening in our country and around the world as He calls us into deeper intimacy and relationship with Him.
Disclaimer: If you are unfamiliar with Greek organizations, fraternities/sororities, the Divine 9, Masons and Freemasons…I encourage you to do your own research to gain context before reading. I’ve attached some helpful links at the bottom of this blog for quick reference, but again, seek The Lord first about what He desires for you to know.
So here we go…
In February 2023, around 4 AM one morning, I woke up and began to feel a heavy conviction about being a member of the sorority that I was a part of at the time. For those that are new or unfamiliar with my story, God began calling me away from the sorority back in 2020. I went through 3 years of trying to leave, then going back, slowly removing sorority items from my house, then going back to a meeting or 2. God was working on me for some time, but this particular night was different, and He made it clear that I was ready.
I asked The Lord to tell me why, how, and when…and He gave me 3 main reasons why, with many more reasons being revealed to me later. He also told me to cut all ties, and that now was the time.
At this point in my walk with Christ, I was not as knowledgeable on the Word of God or the revelations of Greek organizations/secret societies, so I knew the words being spoken were purely Holy Spirit breathed. Each point or reason that The Lord gave me aligned with His Word and with the personal experiences from myself and others, so I knew it could’ve only been Him speaking.
Another disclaimer: Some of the information I’m about to share may be a bit triggering for those who have experienced abuse or other traumatic situations. As you read, please discern your ability to receive this information, and as always, I am praying for the full and complete healing and restoration for anyone that has been a victim.
With that being said, these are the 3 reasons and details that God gave me:
Reason #1: The process of building you up into a new person through the organization by breaking you down mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually through various means of intimidation, threatening, abuse, bullying, stress of having to remember a load of information and harassing you for not knowing it, etc.
This is a spiritual breaking of what was old now turning into new for the glory of this organization and the glorification of oneself and not for Jehovah.
I was talking with a friend during his process for a particular fraternity, and heard him describe his experience of being beaten and hit in the back of the head and paddled until he could barely sit, threatened and forced into performing various tasks for his “big brothers” such as food runs in the middle of the night, and told that to be able to stay on line and complete this process this had to happen. He genuinely believed that it was creating a true brotherhood between him and his LB’s (line brothers) because of the “shared struggle”, and after paying a few thousand dollars to be a part of the process he was going to stick with it no turning back. He would often ask friends and family for money just to get through the week of things his “big brothers” would ask him to do for them or buy.
Unfortunately, this is the reality of a lot of secret society processes, not just this person or this organization. It also opens the door for a host of mental and physical health issues ranging from anxiety, depression, memory loss, heart conditions, etc. (“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.” -Matt 12:35 NIV)
It is often ridiculed by the Greek community that the “softer”, or often termed “paper” your process, the less respect you gain. The less breaking the less making…the more breaking the more respect, the stronger the spiritual hold and less you remain who you were before the process…who God intended for you to be. In essence, it’s a purification process (which explains why new members wear white during the initiation ceremonies…which I’ll touch on later), but not purified by the Holy Spirit…
Reason #2: EVERY Greek organization has a Greek god/goddess or “spirit” that it is founded or established on. Some will even name certain portions of the process after the name of the Greek god (check coat of arms or official handbook of your org).
Minerva is the Greek goddess for Delta, and although it is clearly stated in writing on official documents that members do not worship the goddess Minerva, many of the rituals and practices done include some ode or acknowledgment of Minerva which is a form of worship. If you check the lyrics of the National Hymns and other songs, as well as chapter songs and chants, words such as “we praise thee…” “all of my love, peace and happiness I’m going to give to Delta”, “in Delta’s name” “The Delta Prayer” many Christian-like principles are seen but for the wrong god or spirit. (“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” -Deut. 6:5 NIV, “Fear the Lord your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name. -Deut. 6:13-17, NIV).
The most “sacred” and secret portions of the organization are not written down and are hidden from anyone not a part of the organization (such as the ritualistic beginning and end of a chapter meeting, the pyramid and new initiate pinning ceremony and crossing of the burning sands). Candles are lit, the secret or sacred songs are sang often with no lights on, members often become emotional and cry during these ceremonies because of the strong spiritual power and connection during these rituals, everyone wears a certain color which means something different (ex: black for members and white for prospective members and new initiates when crossing). It’s easy to mistaken this powerful feeling as God or the beauty of the sisterhood, but anything rooted on a god that is not the Lord above, Yahweh, is not good or to be worshipped or revered in anyway. (2 Kings 17:38, Deut. 5:7, Exodus 20:3)
In return, these acts of worship and pledging are glorified and promised to bring you opportunities that non-members wouldn’t have access to. Networking and connections, technical and soft skills to transfer, notoriety and fame, money, sex, respect…the list goes on. Often criticisms of the entertainment business, music industry, and even in politics is that these celebrities have engaged in some kind of secret ritualistic ceremony, initiation, humiliation act, etc. to essentially sell their soul to the devil in return for the fame and fortune. In some way you abide or pledge your allegiance and are promised success in your industry in return. This is often what pledging a Greek organization does as well. However, anything that creates pride, a love for money and material things, and a dependency on other people to give you what is only God-given, is not a gift from Heaven (Acts of the flesh: Galatians 5:19-21). If it doesn’t make you desire God more, and instead the things of this world, then it isn’t from God. If it’s not producing fruits of the HOLY Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-26) then it’s not from God. (“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.” -Proverbs 16:18-19 NIV).
For anyone who speaks out about Greek organizations or reveals their process, is often always criticized, bullied, threatened, harassed and disowned by the community…especially by those who experienced a harder and more spiritually breaking process. (“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” -1 Corinthians 13:6 NIV). God is love and truth, not evil and lies. If the organization was really rooted in Christ or on good principles and morals, why does one feel the need to shame the truth when it’s spoken?
Reason #3: There are many Christians and even ordained ministers, pastors, bishops and theologians that are members of these organizations. But we are called to repent and let Christ be our example to live by.
I do believe that many of these members either have not yet had a conviction from God on these issues or have not acted on their convictions and repented (turn from) (“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” -Psalms 34:14 NIV. “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” -Romans 12:9 NIV). But if you look back to the previous points, these processes are to break you spiritually to the point where you operate under the guise of another spirit which blinds, or in some ways, inhibits your abilities to hear solely from God’s spirit because you’re competing with another. Your judgement is clouded. (“Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.” -3 John 1:11 NIV).
This is precisely what the enemy wants though is to create confusion and infiltrate the church, to try and destroy the covering and make it and Christians as a whole appear less credible (John 10:10, Ephesians 4:27, Proverbs 19:28).
God is the Almighty, and can easily show and reveal Himself to you but you must first heed to the conviction because He is a jealous God and will not compete with any other gods. (“But you have forsaken me and served other gods, so I will no longer save you.” -Judges 10:13 NIV; Deut. 5:7, 6:14, Exodus 20:3).
We’re called to turn from our wicked ways and repent so that we can be renewed and refreshed in Him (Luke 13:3, Matt. 3:2, Ezekiel 33:9, Proverbs 2:12, Acts 3:19).
One important thing to remember when exposing the enemy and the kingdom of darkness is that we wrestle not with flesh and blood…this is spiritual. It’s common to begin feeling offended, tense, upset, in denial, fearful…but remember the enemy does not desire to see people free, so he will try whatever he can to stop you or whoever needs it from reading this or even taking it to God. So I urge everyone to ask the Lord to help you see with your spiritual eyes and remove the scales so that you may both see and understand what it is He’s wanting to reveal to you.
Additionally, if you or someone you know is a part of any form of secret society organization (fraternity, sorority, Mason, Freemason, Eastern Stars, etc.) then consider sharing this information with them and praying for The Lord to reveal His heart and truth about it. As always, I pray that this could encourage someone to continue living refined.
Ex-BGLO Support Group:
Out From Among Them Ministries:
Teaching Humble Hearts - Breaking Off From The Occult (pg. 135):
Can You Be Christian and Greek? By Jordan L. Rice:
Origin of Secret Orders and Greek Organizations:
Testimonies from Ex-Greek Members:
Houses of Horror: Secrets of College Greek Life (documentary on A&E):
Books on Freemasonry/Secret Societies
33 Degrees of Deception: An Expose of Freemasonry by Tom C. McKenney
Unmasking Freemasonry: Removing the Hoodwink by Selwyn R. Stevens, Ph.D
It Isn't Free and It Isn't Masonry: A Doorway to Release from Freemasonry's Unseen Curses for Masons, Their Families and Descendants by Otto Bixler
Freemasonry: The Invisible Cult by Jack Harris
Free From Freemasonry: Understanding “the Craft” and How it Affects Those You Love by Ron G. Campbell
How to Renounce/Denounce your Organization